Hourly Rate
$10.00(USD) per hourEverything from sketches to fully rendered illustrations.You don't pay until it's done.
Flat Rate
Starting at $5.00(USD)Simple lineless illustrations.You'll pay upfront.
Want to support,
but don't want a commission?
Hourly Rate Commissions
Commissions that are priced by the hour.
My current hourly rate is $10.00(USD).
Each piece's total is tracked via Cash Clock.Due to the nature of this pricing method, the total of your piece can't be provided upfront. The running total of your piece will instead be included with every draft.Drafts are sent at each step, so that you may review the progress of your piece and request any changes before I continue. Once you have approved a draft, no further changes will be made to that step (e.g. posing, etc).Your piece is considered complete when you, as the client, give your final approval for your piece and no further changes are needed overall.Payments are strictly via PayPal Invoice, which will be sent to you once your piece is considered complete. Payments not received via PayPal Invoice will be refunded.You may either pay the invoice all at once, or opt for a payment plan upon receipt. Additionally, you may request to pay for an earlier draft instead. Cancellations come at no cost.The full resolution version of your piece, without a WIP watermark, will only be released once payment is received in full.All sales are final.
What's available?
With these pieces, you have a few options.
Standard: My default style
Simplified: My "chibi" style
Sketch: Rough sketch only
Lines: Line-art only
Flats: Lined flat color only
Cel-shaded: Lined and cel-shaded
Painted: Lineless and rendered
Emulated styles are not available, only my own.
NSFW is available to 18+, but with restrictions.
Provide image references
Provide credit for my work
Be patient and understanding
Provide written references
Request hateful content
Request retroactive changes
Use my work commercially
Post my work on art sites (e.g. DeviantArt, etc.)
Flat Rate Commissions
Commissions with fixed prices.
Starting at $5.00(USD), this option is priced per character.These pieces are simple lineless illustrations with minimal to no backgrounds. They are ideal for quick character illustrations, designs, or even profile pictures, rather than full illustrations.Payments are strictly via PayPal Invoice. Payments not received via PayPal Invoice will be refunded.You may either pay the invoice all at once, or opt for a Payment Plan. Cancellations come at no cost.Work on your piece(s) won't begin until payment is received in full.All sales are final.
What's available?
With these pieces, there's fewer options.
Sizing Up
Bust: Everything from the chest up
Waist-Up: From the waist up, like it says
Full-Body: Toe to tip!
Bust: $5.00(USD) per character
Waist-Up: $10.00(USD) per character
Full-Body: $15.00(USD) per character
Emulated styles are not available, only my own.
NSFW is available to 18+, but with restrictions.
Provide image references
Provide credit for my work
Be patient and understanding
Provide written references
Request hateful content
Request retroactive changes
Use my work commercially
Post my work on art sites (e.g. DeviantArt, etc.)